Design That Works Client Logos and Business Cards Have Won Spots in Two International Design Books!
Nine client business cards were recently awarded a spot in an e-book by David E. Carter: Business Cards 1– Bright Design Ideas from Around the World. In addition, his book The Big Book of Logos 5, features six of Design That Works' original client logo designs, some of which are in our logos section. Carter is a global authority on logo and graphic design and corporate branding. His books are internationally respected references for graphic designers.
Linda has launched a venture called "Art with Cattitude," channeling her sense of humor, illustration skills and love of cats into humorous drawings featured on note cards and other items. If you are a cat lover or just know someone who is (don't we all?) check out Art with Catttitude and leave a comment!
Linda has written articles and guest blogs, and her work, plus some of her client testimonials and success stories, have also been featured in several books, magazines and blogs. She's also won quite a few awards for her work, both for Design That Works and for her personal work as an original textile artist.
In 2012, Linda celebrated 25 years of driving her client's successes: from 1987 to 2012. Quite a track record in this business. And even better, she also celebrated 25 years of marriage to Michael Gaston, a teacher, a talented artist in his own right and a wonderful husband.
Linda and Michael celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at the Annual Earth Day Party April 18, 2012. |

Above left: One of 12 original "Cattitude" illustrations featuring Linda's dear departed Buster (pictured above with Linda). The caption says, "I heard you the first time. Didn't you see my ear twitch?" |