WHO THEY ARE: The Georgia Family Connection Partnership works with The Annie E. Casey Foundation to track the health and well-being of Georgia’s families and children. The bi-annual project summarizes the economic, health, educational, and social conditions of Georgia’s children and their families.
WHAT THEY NEEDED: A colorful and positive way to present complex data. The whole project needed to work as an easily understood, integrated package, delivered on a tight budget and within a tight time frame.
WHAT THEY GOT: A 64-page book bound into a pocket folder, with a pocket data slider for quick reference, and an eight-panel brochure featuring “data snapshots.”
WHY THEY LOVED IT: In addition to the many images of real Georgia children, families and teens, the entire book and associated pieces are upbeat, as well as clear and concise. And all the charts, maps and graphs are also colorful and compelling.